We found this cool little trout farm here in North Ogden and decided to test it out. It was so much fun! You pay per fish (you catch it you keep it) and they provide a pole and food and you just have at it trying to catch as many fish as you want. Cole caught one fish and then decided he liked just feeding the fish better (including the ones in our bucket that we had already caught). Bret and I caught a combined total of 6 more fish (something around that number).The day ended when Cole started using the Dixie cup full of fish food to drink the pond water. Yum! It was a fun family outing and we will go there again. Who knows, if you come visit us we might take you too!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Last time Papa and Nana were here to visit my dad left us a dust buster - semi useful but nothing to great. Until Cole decided it was his own personal vacuum. Can I tell you clean my carpet is on a normal day after Cole cleans it? It is great. He will literally spend an hour vacuuming things with that little dust buster. Thanks Papa!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Baby Puppy
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
What a hoot

Cole had a stinky bum the other day and I told him we needed to change it. He was playing with the light switch so Bret went over to get him for me. He explained that he needed to get a diaper change. Well Cole had other plans. he looked up at Bret, and proclaimed " No, I sleeping!" He then closed his eyes, drooped his head, and became dead weight in Bret's arms in hope that I would believe he was actually asleep and not change his bum!!!
Giggles and Laughs - Discipline Chapter

For anyone who knows my son, he is a very determined child and not many things deter him - including discipline. This has made things rather interesting and comical as his parents because we have literally tried every kind of discipline imaginable. Well lately he has entered into a new phase of the "independent two's" (I hope by calling it this instead of the terrible that I can keep a better perspective of why he is so difficult sometimes :). Here are just a few things that have happened...
At the table during lunch, Cole decided to eat his mac and cheese with his hands. Not a huge problem but I prefer he eats with his spoon since he can. I explained to him that big boys eat with their spoons and asked him to please do so. He contemplated this and decided mom really didn't know anything. I then warned him that if he continued I would smack his hand and then take away his mac and cheese if he couldn't listen to mom. He looked at me, grabbed a handful of mac and cheese, and stuffed it in his mouth. But the next part is what killed me - he then smacked his own hand twice, took his mac and cheese, placed it across the table and proclaimed "I disobey I take away my mac and cheese." He sat for a couple seconds and then again declared, "Okay, I good." He walked back to his mac and cheese, grabbed it, and went back to his seat to finish lunch. Maybe I'm bad but one, I didn't know how to quite react to what he had just done, and two - I couldn't help but smother my laughter.
Cole pulled some toilet paper off to wipe his nose, put it in the toilet to flush but instead I heard him pull the soggy paper back out of the toilet to play with it. Yuck, I know. We have taught he mutliple times not to play in the toilet but as I turned to grab him and yet again teach him we don't do this, he decided to take matters into his own hands. I watched him quickly smack his own hand 6 times (very seriously too) and tell himself sternly like a mother. "Yuck, we don't play in the toilet."
On one day Cole had purposely been disobeying EVERYTHING I told him to do or not do. Thankfully these days don't happen often but when they do it makes for a LONG day and requires more patience than I can sometimes muster. I don't remember exactly what he was doing but I do know it was dangerous (like playing with the knives or something) so I told him after warning him twice that if I had to ask him not to do it again I would spank him. He looked at me, marched over and did exactly what I told him not too! I stood up and explained, "Cole, you disobeyed and now I am going to spank you" But, he beat me to his discipline by doing it himself! He quickly leaned over, and swatted himself, saying, "No, no Cole. We don't do that", looked at me and said "Okay, I good".
Yesterday at breakfast I got Cole's food ready and him eating. I then quickly cleaned the kitchen and sat down to eat my own breakfast. Cole finished first and decided that since he was done, mom should be too. He ran into the other room and started calling out "Come on mommy, time to play". I explained to him that I needed to finish my breakfast and then I would come play. This conversation repeated several times until Cole ran over to me, and asked one more time. I explained to him again that I needed to finish my breakfast. At this point he looked at me very sternly and said" Mommy if you can't obey, I will spank you" and then proceeded to try to spank me. I couldn't help but laugh! I was being discipline by my two year old for not doing what he asked!!!
DISCLAIMER - Now, for the record I really do have a very sweet, loving son who loves to help me - he just has his days like we all do. Most of his discipline issues began when I got put on bed rest and now can't do as much, all children retest the limits when something like this happens. But man he makes me laugh, even when I probably shouldn't be doing so!!
Monday, August 10, 2009
The Event of the Season

This past weekend our family had the amazing privileged of seeing Bret's brother Sean and my new sister Emily sealed together for time and all eternity in the Twin Falls, ID Temple. It was such an amazing experience. The whole weekend was full of laughter and fun.
We arrived on Thursday and dropped Cole off at a babysitter with his cousins. We then headed for a dinner with the B&G, family and close friends. It was pretty yummy. We also got to watch the wedding video that my amazing husband put together for B&G as part of our gift to them. On Friday we attended the sealing and I was quite the birdbrain and forgot my Temple recommend in Ogden, but thanks to lots of prays and pulled strings I was still able to attend. It was beautiful and my favorite part of the whole weekend. What a way to start a marriage. Afterward, we had a luncheon for the Parrish side of the family and I pretty much hid downstairs trying to be diligent about my bed rest. Then it was nap time. That night we headed for the reception. The weather semi cooperated and stopped raining but it was incredibly cold! But it was beautiful.
Saturday the girls (not including Em of course) went to see Julie and Julia (cute show, loved it) and of course the boys got the second round of golf in for the weekend. The rest of the time flew by and we headed home Sunday morning after church. What a great weekend!
Bret and I at the Temple
The beautiful Emily and her new hubby Sean
The family before the B&G came out
The Parrish girls - it'll be fun to have Emily now too!
At the reception with all the nieces and nephews
My handsome little man
Me in my outfit. Emily's mom made the aprons
and sunflower clips for us to while helping in the kitchen.

The beautiful Emily and her new hubby Sean

The family before the B&G came out

The Parrish girls - it'll be fun to have Emily now too!

At the reception with all the nieces and nephews

My handsome little man

Me in my outfit. Emily's mom made the aprons
and sunflower clips for us to while helping in the kitchen.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009
My Little Shark
At our apartment we have the luck of having a swimming pool and we take full advantage of it. We pretty much swim everyday of the summer that we can and Cole just loves it. He will wake up in the morning and sometimes ask right away to go swimming. I love it! Well, Cole has recently learned that when he has his life jacket on he can swim all by himself. Talk about new found independence! He wants nothing to do with Mom and Dad's help any more. I love it. Here is a cute video of him cruising around the pool. Enjoy!
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