Tuesday, August 4, 2009

My Little Shark

At our apartment we have the luck of having a swimming pool and we take full advantage of it. We pretty much swim everyday of the summer that we can and Cole just loves it. He will wake up in the morning and sometimes ask right away to go swimming. I love it! Well, Cole has recently learned that when he has his life jacket on he can swim all by himself. Talk about new found independence! He wants nothing to do with Mom and Dad's help any more. I love it. Here is a cute video of him cruising around the pool. Enjoy!


Belkycita said...

Oh my!!!
He is SO DARN cute!!
I loved the video.
Take care!!!
I talked to mom.

Val said...

That is way too cute. Claire used someones floaties one time and thought she was at the top of the world. That little boy must have a lot of energy to not be tired after all that wiggling and kicking.

nanajo said...

Is there a limit on how many times I can watch it?

keri said...

That's great. Each step of independence he takes now will help later when "Elvira" shows up. ; P