Monday, July 13, 2009


Thursday night when Bret came home, my sweet son was still just bouncing off the walls. This was even after playing with a friend outside for an hour and going on a walk. The kid has amazing amounts of energy. Well, Bret surprised us by taking us for a beautiful hike that he had been on for mutual - in hopes that it would drain the last of Cole's energy in time for bed. It was just beautiful up in the mountains. The hike was pretty steep in some areas but Cole was such a big boy and walked the entire way by himself. He was just loving it. We even saw some bugs and played in a little creek that ran by the trail. On the drive home we stopped by a waterfall for Cole to see and for Bret to snap some quick pictures. It was such a nice night, and it worked it's magic. Cole asked to go to sleep as soon as we got home.

Hubba Hubba
My adorable family
My lovely belly at 6 1/2 months


Catherine and Derrick said...

You guys look great. Cole is super cute. Congrats again on the new baby

Belkycita said...

You guys are SO cute!
Miss you.

keri said...

Love the pics. And I am so glad there were no bunnies on this trip!

iroh said...

You never said you were pregnant! Sheesh...the things one has to learn through blogs....

Congratulations Erin!! (Kacie had a little girl last night [Alexi Jo])