Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Halloween and Other Stuff

The adorable candy corn beanie my mom made Aly for Halloween
Cole pretending to sleep with Aly on the couch

Cole entertaining himself
My mom with Cole when they came to stay after Aly was born.
My Grandma Connie holding Aly for the first time.
My Grandpa Jack holding Aly
Us at the apartment Halloween party
My sweet boy

Halloween was pretty uneventful this year, sadly. With a new baby you can't really do some of the things you normally would. So I stayed home (gasp I know) and Bret took Cole trick or treating. Cole was a dragon and Bret went as the Big Bad Wolf. Cole had a blast trick or treating and when he came home kept asking to go to more houses. It was pretty cute. But that was about it.

Aly continues to grow everyday and eats enough to keep up with it. But we still love having her and she just melts her dad's heart every time she smiles. She is such a cutie. Hope you enjoy the pictures.


Cody and Lexie said...

Erin- your kids are so beautiul!! It looks like your whole family is doing great!!

keri said...

Chocolate batters and curly hair ... what an adorable mix. Thanks for sharing all the pics of Aly and the grand-, great-grandparents.