Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Car - I mean Year

We had such a fun New Years. We left Thursday afternoon and drove to Twin Falls, ID to bring 2010 in with Bret's family and have a late Christmas. Thursday night was Christmas for us and we got some great gifts. Cole and Aly both got clothes and a couple toys. Bret and I got some money, a new car (used but new to us) , I got an opal necklace (love it), two 72 hour kits, and some other small things. It was so great. We then had a fantastic meal of crab, lobster tail, steak, and shrimp. Yumm-o (as my sweet mother- in -law would say). We put the kids to sleep and enjoyed some games as just the adults. Then everyone called it quits at 11:15 and headed to bed. Right as I got ready for bed and climbed in Aly woke up to eat so her and I rang in the New Year together. The next day was traditionally the pig out for the boys which means a full day of football, eating and no watching the kids. Fun for them. So us girls took the kids to see "The Princess and the Frog". Cute, and I loved the music. Cole actually sat through the whole thing, This hasn't happened since he was just a wee baby. The rest of the week was hanging out and shopping. At one point Opa and the Dad's took the boys sledding. They were having a blast until Cole's sled started spinning and he bailed out - on the only patch of ice. Poor kid. He scrapped up his face pretty bad. Once we got him cleaned up we headed to Jump to It and let the kids bounce and play for the next 1 1/2. We ended that fun afternoon with a trip to McDonald's with Grams and Opa. It was such a great week and so fun to see everyone home together.


Jared and Jennifer said...

Poor Couson, He looks pretty rough. That must sting in the bath...LOTS of neosporin is going to be in his near future! What kind of car did you get? Sounds like you guys had fun. Call me this week!

keri said...

Poor kiddo. He really doesn't have chance with you as his mom.

katy hanchett said...

He is SO much like you! Prone to accident! Poor guy!
I'm so glad you guys had such a great new year and a new car! Yay!

Swaner Family said...

New car! Yay! I'm jealous. That's on our list of exspensive needs! Poor little Cole.