These are pictures from our small family birthday party (on his actual B-Day) and then preschool graduation. Sadly I didn't take the camera to graduation but I did have Bret take a picture of him afterward.
C: Mommy, I go to Sunbeam? E: No, not this week. You have been sick. C:I not sick. E: Yes you still have a cough, so you can't go. C: It not a cough, just a hiccup so I can go
C: (sniffs the air and then fake sneezes) Mommy, I smell like the car.
E: Cole, it is time to wake up C:*opens one eye, groans and rolls back over to go to sleep* E: Wake up little one C: Sweetheart, I am sleeping in my bed - 2 more minutes.
C: Mommy, your daughter just spit up
E: Please go tell Papa, Daddy, and Opa to come to dinner. C: Opa dinner is ready, and you too, and you too. (pointing to Bret and my dad)
B: Bye Cole. I'm going to work. C: *patting Bret's leg* Okay, but you be good today.
C: Mommy the car farted!!!*after Bret honked the car horn and Cole was standing out front*
C: Ow! I stepped on my nose!!!
C: Dad don't sing. It's not nice.
C: My bums not poopy. It's white!
C: Hello? Shoes? Sandals? Where are you? Are you in here?
C: Mommy, I like her!! (referring to Aly)
E: Don't go outside Cole. *a couple minutes later he crawls into the room* E:are you a frog or a dog? C:I'm a lizard. *crawls around* Lizards live outside, so I'm going to go outside. E: No Cole, even lizards don't get to go outside tonight.
C: I just burped in my bum!
C:(while squeezing Aly to give her a "hug") I'm loving her mom!
C: What is this? E: An acorn C: No, it's a piece of pie
E: Cole, what are you doing? C:(while digging in the dirt) Making babies.
B: You have your mothers skin C:No, I have my skin!
E: See, it shows the skeleton of T. Rex, one covered in muscles, and one with skin. C: (pointing to the muscle drawing) Look, that one is covered in chocolate!
C: Look at her. B: That is Catwoman. C:No, that's not Crapwoman!
B:I'm going to start calling you Robin. I'm Batman. C: No, I'm UdderMan B: Udderman? E: You mean Spiderman? C: Yeah. Spiderman.
C: Oh no, the wizard is coming! (pointing at Aly) B:The wizard or the lizard? What is she? C: An Aly.
C: I'm stuck to the floor because I am sticky. E: Why are you sticky? C: There is a spider in my tummy. That is why I am sticky.
At the Dr.'s Office Dr. T: How are you doing today? C: Are you the doctor? Dr. T: Yes. C: You need to fix my daddy. Dr. T: Well, we will definitely take a look at him. C: No, you need to fix him.
M: Cole, please carry this bread to the house. C: *a few minutes later* Here Mom, I am to old to carry this.
M: Should I kiss your nose? C: This nose is from my grandma (grabbing it to protect) M: Which grandma? C: Connie Grandma
C: "Mom, somebody turned the rain back on!"
M: What do you get when you plant an apple seed? C: An auto-bot.
C: We have to put Aly's shoes on so she can walk, crawl, and then stand up. B: What? C: Walk, crawl, and then stand up. B: Where do you get these things from? C: I go to Winco.
C: Mom, I flushed the rolly polly down the toilet. Now he will go to Jesus.
C: Mom! I asked Santa for a candy cane and he gave it to me!!!
Overheard from the kitchen: C: W says "Wh", Hello y, v you just dropped by, why hey u. (He was playing with his alphabet set)
C: Look Mom! Frosting! (pointing to the grass) M: Where? C: There! (picking up a white blossom off the grass). See, grass frosting!
1 comment:
Judging by the last pic, it was a very busy day!
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