Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I can do hard things

painting by Liz Lemon Swindle

Tonight I sat at the computer and cried. I was reading the blog of an amazing family I have never met, who lost their sweet daughter at the tender age of 18 months. As I read her words a reality hit me - there are so many things in my life that I take for granted. I have an amazing life because of three things 1. a temple marriage to my amazing husband 2. my two wonderful blessing I call children 3. an eternal family. And then I realized I have this amazing life for one reason - I have the gospel in my life. I have the knowledge that no matter what happens during this life that if I live each day as my Savior has asked I can forever have my family. This makes me want to live each day of my life NEVER forgetting the amazing gift that was given to me - my Savior died that I, through His atonement, might live with Him again and with my wonderful family forever. There are many days that I feel I lose sight, those days that seem so hard as a Mom and wife and you wonder why you struggle so much with trials but, then I remember that through those struggles I become a better person. I become a better mother, more capable of raising the righteous, strong children that the Lord has trusted me with and help them to reach their true potential as righteous sons and daughters of God. There are also days that it seems overwhelming the task that I have been given as their mother but, on those days I feel His arms around me, helping me to feel the trust that He has in me. I am so thankful for the gospel in my life, for the tender mercies He grants me each day through answered prayers, giggles and hugs from my children, and tender quiet moments with my husband. I know that the Savior lives and I know that one day I will be with my family after this life and for eternity. This is but a small moment, and no matter what happens I know that with His help I can do hard things.


Meg said...

Erin, this is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing. It's helped me regain that perspective that's so easy to lose. I love you!

p.s. Have you ever read the book "Do hard things"? I recommend it!

Tiffany said...

I've read their blog! It was hard to read when Cody was about that same age as I was reading it! It's hard to put things in perspective at times and I feel like I get frustrated with my kids too much so it's great to remember what's really important!