Monday, August 10, 2009

The Event of the Season

This past weekend our family had the amazing privileged of seeing Bret's brother Sean and my new sister Emily sealed together for time and all eternity in the Twin Falls, ID Temple. It was such an amazing experience. The whole weekend was full of laughter and fun.

We arrived on Thursday and dropped Cole off at a babysitter with his cousins. We then headed for a dinner with the B&G, family and close friends. It was pretty yummy. We also got to watch the wedding video that my amazing husband put together for B&G as part of our gift to them. On Friday we attended the sealing and I was quite the birdbrain and forgot my Temple recommend in Ogden, but thanks to lots of prays and pulled strings I was still able to attend. It was beautiful and my favorite part of the whole weekend. What a way to start a marriage. Afterward, we had a luncheon for the Parrish side of the family and I pretty much hid downstairs trying to be diligent about my bed rest. Then it was nap time. That night we headed for the reception. The weather semi cooperated and stopped raining but it was incredibly cold! But it was beautiful.

Saturday the girls (not including Em of course) went to see Julie and Julia (cute show, loved it) and of course the boys got the second round of golf in for the weekend. The rest of the time flew by and we headed home Sunday morning after church. What a great weekend!

Bret and I at the Temple
The beautiful Emily and her new hubby Sean

The family before the B&G came out

The Parrish girls - it'll be fun to have Emily now too!

At the reception with all the nieces and nephews

My handsome little man

Me in my outfit. Emily's mom made the aprons
and sunflower clips for us to while helping in the kitchen.


katy hanchett said...

look make a cute prego! :)
I am also very partial but Cole is the cutest kid there! :) I love his face in the grandkids picture.

katy hanchett said...

*sorry! "you make a cute prego!" that's what I meant to say.

keri said...

Love the prego apron. Now you and Cole can both wear aprons when you are cooking. I LOVE the picture of Cole in his tie. How precious.

Meg said...

Umm... I wanted to say the same thing. You are just the cutest pregnant girl EVER! :) Love you!