Tuesday, March 1, 2011

All About Coulson

Age: 3 3/4 years old

Coulson is such a joy in our lives. He is always keeping us on our toes and continues to be very busy and active. He is attending preschool and is constantly learning new things. He is always amazing me at what he picks up from everywhere. He also has an amazing memory and can repeat songs, full books, and just about anything else. He has a heart of gold and loves to help people, he is truly my little helper with his sister and around the house. He loves reading, singing, and playing all kinds of games, and wrestling with his dad. He also loves dinosaurs and playing with his swords. One of the things he is best at is being daddy's little helper around the house with fixing things, taking out the garbage, and entertaining his little sister. I can honestly say that this little boy LOVES life and lives it to the very fullest. I never realized how much he would change my life but I wouldn't change it for anything in the world - the good days and the bad days I'll take them all just to continue to have this blessing named Coulson in my life.

1 comment:

Val said...

I love the pics. Your kids are so dang cute. Hey, I am going to women's conference/Jackie's wedding again this year we should get together.