Sunday, July 31, 2011

Now that I have just a brace on I can slowly start to update my blog. Just so I don't forget some important things this is what is coming:

breaking my wrist
Van Vleet family reunion
trip to SLC / train adventures
4th of July/Cherry Days
Harrisville Heritage Days
random pictures
Aly's poor head

and just because it was cute:
Aly is potty training and went to the bathroom. I could hear her in the bathroom so I had Bret go check on her. She had sat on our stool and had gone potty, then grabbed the washcloth from the tub, dipped it into the toilet, and started "cleaning up" her mess. I just had to laugh.


Shaun and Emily said...

Look at your kids darling curly hair (just like their mothers). Hadn't checked your blog in awhile looks like you have been having some fun. Cute photos!

Aubrey {All Things Bright and Beautiful} said...

Hahaha that story is awesome! I love it when they want to clean their own messes, especially *those* messes! (c: You all have been busy, busy, busy!!!