Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Adventures in Pottytraining

Warning: There are pictures of an adorable child on a toilet... proceed at your own risk

Bret and I had talked about potty training Coulson several times and had decided that we would start that closer to the end of the summer. I didn't want to push him too soon, especially since boys usually start later than girls. Well, the other day when I was cooking some lunch I realized I couldn't hear Cole anymore - not a good thing EVER- so I immediately went looking for him. When I found him he was in my bathroom and this is the sight that met my eyes ...
If you can't tell, he is balancing on the edge of an open toilet, and he climbed up there all by himself with no help. When I asked him what he was doing he replied "I go potty". I know when to take a cue, so that afternoon we began potty training.
It hasn't been quite as awful as I thought it would be, but I also haven't been pushing the topic too hard. If he tells me he needs to go then we go and I'll have him go maybe every two hours but we have had some success. He has also deiced that he is "too big" for diapers and prefers pull ups which he is really good at not peeing in too often. Let's hope this keeps up. I would love to not have him in diapers anymore.


Belkycita said...

I hope it gets better soon, he's a smart kid!
As for you, brace yourself woman!!!!
said with tons of love :-)

keri said...

I love that he is already taking after dad and reading the bathroom! Good luck with the potty training.