Saturday, September 26, 2009

So we have had a whirlwind of the last couple weeks but they have been so fun. I am officially off bed rest now that I am at 36 weeks. Cole spent 4 days with Bret's parents in Idaho, and Bret and I had some much needed us time while he was gone. But I was VERY glad to get him back when I did. Here are some pictures of our adventures.

This is Coulson sitting in my breast feeding pillow.
I had just finished washing it in preparation

This is a huge flock of turkeys we saw on a Sunday drive in the mountains. There were like 30 of them.
When took Cole to Union Station to see the trains
and got to ride a trolley at the farmers market.

This is us at a wedding reception we attended. It was a gorgeous reception!
This is me in my 9th month. The end is near.


Shaun and Emily said...

Can't wait to see that baby!

keri said...

Love the pic of Cole with the breast buddy and his blanket with his thumb in his mouth. Classic! And I can't wait for Elvira Maleficent to get here! Of course, I am not finished with her blanket yet (but I am very, very close). One more comment, have you noticed that your little boy is starting to look more and more like a big boy?

Jared and Jennifer said...

I should have guessed that "Elvira Maleficent" would be her name. Maybe I should make her a purple and black cape to go with her blanket!!! ;) Ha ha! I am so glad to hear the end is coming soon. Now tell that baby to hurry up an finsih cooking!

Heidi and Jace said...

Hey you are almost done! Let us how how the Birthday goes!! Take Care. Good luck!