Friday, July 9, 2010

Fourth of July Fun

For the Fourth of July we headed up to Twin Falls for a packed fun full weekend. It started Saturday morning - I went horseback riding for four hours with my FIL and that was amazing. We saw some deer, a coyote, and had a female sage grousse charge us in an attempt to keep us from finding her babies. When we got home we ate a quick lunch and headed to see Toy Story 3 (so good). We arrived home and the boys went golfing while the women folk stayed home and played with the kids. It was a great day! Sunday we went to church, a walk to the park, and set off fireworks. Monday was more golfing for the boys, and some random fun stuff for the kids. It was a great weekend. We are so thankful for our country's independence!

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

It sounds like so much fun everytime you guys go up there! When I was a kid, I always wanted to live on a ranch and have my own horses. I still think it would be AWESOME! Great pics of the fireworks by the way!