Monday, July 12, 2010

Potty Talk

We were out playing mini golf when Cole announced that he needed to go potty, again. This time Bret willingly took him into the men's room. While in there a young man walked into the room. Cole immediately struck up a conversation.
Cole:"Hah! Are you here to go potty? Me too! I'm going to go pee."
A few minutes later after hearing the man use the restroom..
Cole:"Hooray! You went pee! Good job!"

Bret said he was surprised the young man was able to keep a straight face as he walked out of the bathroom.


Meg said...

Oh I just love it! That's a story to remember and tell him about when he's a teenager. :)

Tiffany said...

Haha! Landon does that too but it's even worse sometimes. Like talking about number #2! And telling people good job!

keri said...

The real question is whether or not Bret was able to keep a straight face.