In the month of June we had a special visit from Grams, Aunt Brooke, Uncle Mat, Riley and Austin. We all headed to the dinosaur park for a day of fun and roars. It was so much fun to walk around and see the different reactions of the 4 kids to the dinosaurs all over the park. Coulson would squeal with delight and then tell anyone who would listen what the name of that particular dinosaurs was, and Aly would run around roaring. We also spent time playing on the playground. Riley was so sweet and allowed Aly to pal around with him on the toys and the slides. She just adores him. It is so cute. They played so hard and then crashed on our way home. Thanks Grams for such a fun day!
C: Mommy, I go to Sunbeam? E: No, not this week. You have been sick. C:I not sick. E: Yes you still have a cough, so you can't go. C: It not a cough, just a hiccup so I can go
C: (sniffs the air and then fake sneezes) Mommy, I smell like the car.
E: Cole, it is time to wake up C:*opens one eye, groans and rolls back over to go to sleep* E: Wake up little one C: Sweetheart, I am sleeping in my bed - 2 more minutes.
C: Mommy, your daughter just spit up
E: Please go tell Papa, Daddy, and Opa to come to dinner. C: Opa dinner is ready, and you too, and you too. (pointing to Bret and my dad)
B: Bye Cole. I'm going to work. C: *patting Bret's leg* Okay, but you be good today.
C: Mommy the car farted!!!*after Bret honked the car horn and Cole was standing out front*
C: Ow! I stepped on my nose!!!
C: Dad don't sing. It's not nice.
C: My bums not poopy. It's white!
C: Hello? Shoes? Sandals? Where are you? Are you in here?
C: Mommy, I like her!! (referring to Aly)
E: Don't go outside Cole. *a couple minutes later he crawls into the room* E:are you a frog or a dog? C:I'm a lizard. *crawls around* Lizards live outside, so I'm going to go outside. E: No Cole, even lizards don't get to go outside tonight.
C: I just burped in my bum!
C:(while squeezing Aly to give her a "hug") I'm loving her mom!
C: What is this? E: An acorn C: No, it's a piece of pie
E: Cole, what are you doing? C:(while digging in the dirt) Making babies.
B: You have your mothers skin C:No, I have my skin!
E: See, it shows the skeleton of T. Rex, one covered in muscles, and one with skin. C: (pointing to the muscle drawing) Look, that one is covered in chocolate!
C: Look at her. B: That is Catwoman. C:No, that's not Crapwoman!
B:I'm going to start calling you Robin. I'm Batman. C: No, I'm UdderMan B: Udderman? E: You mean Spiderman? C: Yeah. Spiderman.
C: Oh no, the wizard is coming! (pointing at Aly) B:The wizard or the lizard? What is she? C: An Aly.
C: I'm stuck to the floor because I am sticky. E: Why are you sticky? C: There is a spider in my tummy. That is why I am sticky.
At the Dr.'s Office Dr. T: How are you doing today? C: Are you the doctor? Dr. T: Yes. C: You need to fix my daddy. Dr. T: Well, we will definitely take a look at him. C: No, you need to fix him.
M: Cole, please carry this bread to the house. C: *a few minutes later* Here Mom, I am to old to carry this.
M: Should I kiss your nose? C: This nose is from my grandma (grabbing it to protect) M: Which grandma? C: Connie Grandma
C: "Mom, somebody turned the rain back on!"
M: What do you get when you plant an apple seed? C: An auto-bot.
C: We have to put Aly's shoes on so she can walk, crawl, and then stand up. B: What? C: Walk, crawl, and then stand up. B: Where do you get these things from? C: I go to Winco.
C: Mom, I flushed the rolly polly down the toilet. Now he will go to Jesus.
C: Mom! I asked Santa for a candy cane and he gave it to me!!!
Overheard from the kitchen: C: W says "Wh", Hello y, v you just dropped by, why hey u. (He was playing with his alphabet set)
C: Look Mom! Frosting! (pointing to the grass) M: Where? C: There! (picking up a white blossom off the grass). See, grass frosting!
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