Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Attempts of a wannabe Domestic Goddess

Domestic [duh-meh-tik] -adjective 1. of or pertaining to the home, the household, household affairs, or the family: domestic pleasures.
devoted to home life or household affairs. -noun 3.domestics, household items made of cloth, as sheets, towels, and tablecloths.

Goddess [god-is] -noun 1. a female god or deity 2. a woman of extraordinary beauty and charm 3.a greatly admired or adored woman

In an attempt this year to become more like a "domestic goddess" I have decided to hone my skills in certain areas (pretty much all of them-cooking, cleaning, craftiness, childcare...etc) but, for starters I am working on my cooking skills. When it comes to cooking I fall into the categories of 'burned extremely well', 'under cooked' and 'this is okay, but please don't make it again'.(you can rightfully pity my husband because he actually eats everything I make) Other categories like 'done just right', 'mmm, honey this is Divine!' and 'Total Perfection' just don't seem to be within reach. So in order to become a true 'domestic goddess' this must change. Sunday night for the very first time I made a lasagna from scratch! Yes, sad I know. I have been married for 3 years and have never made my poor husband lasagna. What a tragedy. Well, this first time was a close success. It tasted really good but the top layer of cheese was just a little crispy. Hey, we can't all be perfect the first time. How fun would that be? Then feeling somewhat emboldened I decided to bite off a little bigger chunk (no pun intended). So I made BBQ Pork Spareribs. (please, hold the applause till the end). Amazingly, it was a lot easier than I ever though something that tasty and scrumptious could be. (thanks again to my sweet mother-in-law who helped more than patience should have allowed). And, yet again, SUCCESS!!! Maybe, just maybe, I will be listed among with the wives and mothers that actually can cook! I can only dream.

Next skill to hone: craftiness. I will attempt to make Coulson's room into that of a little boys. This will include:
  • wall decorations
  • making a bedspread
  • making fun pillow cases
The journey towards 'domestic goddess' continues...


Val said...

Way to go. But, I have to say you make a mean french dipped sandwich, and awesome crepes. Speaking of which could I have the recipe that you use for the crepes?

keri said...

Where did you get that cool pic? All I can say is good luck on your journey and my the force be with you (and free cell phone service to your mom and mother-in-law).

Belkycita said...

Hey two on a row! that my friend I call AWESOME!
You should come over and we could sew together and have the kids play together :-)

p.s. that doesn't mean I know how :-(

Shaun and Emily said...

Sound like my journey. Love the post! My blog by the way should be open again!