Sunday, January 18, 2009

Lessons from a Toddler

The other night when we took Cole in to go to bed he asked Bret to turn the lights on, then grabbed his finger and pulled him to the floor, sat down himself, folded his arms, and then looked up at me like "Come on, Mom." When I asked him if he wanted to say prayers he shook his head "yes". I then knelt down next to him, said prayers, in which he kept his arms folded the entire time. After prayers he stood up, grabbed his bottle and blankie, kissed us goodnight and asked to be put into his crib. I almost cried at the innocence of the whole scene. The amazing thing was that Bret and I haven't been that good at teaching him to pray at night as a family - we've only down it once or twice, but he learned from those brief moments that to him family prayer was important. He has asked for us to say prayers every night since.


keri said...

Out of the mouth of babes. . .

Catherine and Derrick said...

How sweet. I love it