Thursday, January 8, 2009

Sledding - snow much fun!

The past several days we have received about 2 feet of snow and I hate to see that go to waste! SO we have been playing in the snow quite a bit! On Saturday we met up with some friends and went sledding for an hour or so and had a blast. The on Monday Cole and I went on our own snow trek. Cole couldn't stop laughing as he walked through snow up to his thighs. He just loved it. He also discovered that he LOVES eating snow. I watched him pile it into his mouth and when I asked him how it tasted my reply was "MMMMM!" Too cute. Then yesterday Bret suprised us by coming home early and taking us sledding again! Man, do we love the snow!

1 comment:

keri said...

Wish I could have seen him walking through snow that was deep than he is tall and laughing about it.