Thursday, December 10, 2009

2 Months Stats - Alyson

Wow, I can't believe that my baby girl is already 2 months old!! She is such a sweetie and just loves to smile at us, but she is also quite the little firecracker. Her passions right now - eating and eating. But you would never guess that because she is still as tiny and petite as they come. She is very active and LOVES her brother. I'm glad the feelings are mutual. We did find out though that she has a bad case of acid reflux which makes her very fussy for a good portion of the day because the acid burns her little throat when she spits up (which is quite often). Thankfully, we now have her on meds to solve that problem.

Weight - 8lb 12 oz 20%
Height- still 21 inches 20%
Head Cir - 38inches 30%

We sure do love having her in our family!


Cheryl said...

She's so cute! I LOVE the flower bow!

keri said...

So cute! The Christmas presents should be shipped out this week. I will let you know for sure when. Love ya!

Bloom Family said...

okay, several random comments:
1. Your daughter is so cute!!!
2. that is an awesome lego robot!
3. I live by Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child too! I have used it since Caleb was very little. Some people say, "Oh Caleb is always so happy," and then I know there are times when I can tell the same person is wondering why we think it's so important for Caleb to go to bed between 7 -7:30pm and to get his naps. Oh do we know why! :)