Wednesday, February 17, 2010

All About Cole

Helping change Aly's bottom
Showing Aly how to suck her toes

Coulson will be 3 in May and I just wanted to give an update on him right now. He is still a very active boy and is constantly in motion. He loves to laugh, smile, and can be quite devious sometimes. Some of his favorite things right now are He-Man, his new swords, cheese, cooking, running everywhere, preschool, singing his ABC's, reading, and wrestling with his dad. He loves to play with his sister and is very sweet when taking care of her.

Cole also loves to test the limit. He is always trying new ways to get around the rules but always does it with a smile. I just love this little man. His personality is so unique and constantly keeps me in stitches. He is also a very social little bug and loves to talk to people and go new places. I can guarantee our lives would be very boring without this rambunctious little boy.


keri said...

Those picture are amazing!!! And you will have to watch out. If he wore Aly's hair bow and a dress he could pass for a girl with that curly hair and those long dark lashes!

katy hanchett said...

such a cute kid! he has so much personality in him! And I agree with Keri...he could pass off as look like a girl (you) with the curly hair and big eyes.

Tiffany said...

Wow, I LOVE that hair. I hope it stays forever. He's such a cutey. I can't remember what day his birthday is. It's really really close to Landon's I know. Fun fun!

Andrew said...

Good night! I thought I was looking at pictures of Nare as a child! Well, okay, maybe I'm exaggerating a little... but still.

Love ya!

Alice said...

Those are really great pictures that show all the different sides of Coulson.