Saturday, February 6, 2010

Rolling and Wrestling

My sweet little Aly is 3 months and has become mobile. She now rolls where she wants to go. The funny thing is that when she does finally roll around it is because she is usually angry and crying that I won't pick her up. It won't be long before she learns other means of getting to me to pick her up. Also, she has become Cole's new wrestling partner. I have caught him twice with her in a siccor hold. I have to admit that I just laughed at the sight. He rolls around with her and is amazingly careful when he wrestles with her. He also has started dragging her around rooms when he wants her someplace that she isn't. The first time that happened she was on her play mat and when I looked at her again he had dragged her across the room to some other toys. The best thing of all is that Aly doesn't care at all what her brother does as long as it means he is playing with her. I sure love having two kids!!!

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