Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Gym Workout Question

So I am asking all of my fellow mommies out there that are trying to lose weight after having a baby: What is your daily gym routine and how long do you work out each day?

1 comment:

Laura said...

This may be a little overboard for what you are asking because I LOVE working out. Typically, I do cardio 4-5 days a week for 30 minutes and then lift weights. There are two different weight routes I take depending on the week. One is to alternate upper and lower body each day. The second route is to lift three days a week entire body. It depends on my schedule for the week or what I have time for. If I'm short on time, I'll do 20 minutes of cardio and a quick lifting session where you do multiple muscles. For example, lunges with bicep curls. I have a ton of great resources and ideas if you ever want more specifics. I try to change my routine up every 4-6 weeks so I don't get bored. Oh, and don't forget to get a good dose of stretching in after your workout! Good luck!