A good friend of mine has a blog called Abiding Joy "to discuss ways to create greater joy in our lives." The past several weeks she has been posting a daily joyful moment and I want to follow her example for today.
This afternoon I tried to put Alyson down for nap. She was so tired and normally falls right asleep when I place her in her crib but, today she fought it. I started to feel frustrated because Cole was already napping (thank goodness) and I had so much to do as soon as she fell asleep. But then I suddenly remembered a dear sister in our ward who one night took the extra time to lay with her daughter and talk to her- to live in the moment and not rush through it. It was a great mother daughter moment. Whether she felt prompted to do so or not I don't know, but she will always be thankful - by that weekend her sweet daughter was gone forever.
I looked at my sweet baby girl who just wanted to be held by her mom and remembered that even though I can be with my family for eternity that doesn't always mean they will be with me forever on earth. So I forgot about the dishes and piles of laundry, my dirty room with an unmade bed and I held my daughter close and rocked her till she was almost asleep and then I gently placed her in her crib. I then snuck into my sons room, tucked him in and watched him sleep peacefully for a moment. This was my joyful moment for today - the blessing of living in a precious moment.