Monday, March 1, 2010

Stuff Nightmares are made of...

A couple days ago we started to have a small ant problem. Just a couple big ants ( the red and black kind) in the house. I (more like Cole) found most of them in Cole's room, and some in Aly's room. I would just kill them no big deal. Then more appeared and I kinda got a little upset with them so we were told to put out some ant hotels and that would clear up the problem in 24 hours. Great. Love that thought. So we did so. The next day there were more ants but you would think so just because they were coming to get the poison and take it home to kill their "friends". Then at one point I killed 20 ants at the same time in ALY'S ROOM!!! Not fun. I kept having nightmares of them biting her in her crib. So not fun. Well we went and bought more traps and left to go out of town for 3 days sure that our problem would be done when we got back. We walked in the door Sunday night at 6:45pm and when Bret turned on the light - THE WHOLE HALLWAY SHIFTED!!!! It was COVERED in ants and the worst part - there were tons in ALY's room. They were covering the floorboards, climbing down the walls, and coming out the electric sockets! EWWWW. I quickly called a friend and the kids and I headed to their house for a couple of hours so that Bret could be our AMAZING ANT WARRIOR and completly raid our house. They were everywhere! Our kitchen cupboards, in the dishwasher (with clean dishes) Cole's room, under the carpets and Bret found 2 queen ants under Aly's crib - looking for a new place to nest. (yeah nightmare let me tell you) We finally got them all killed (well Bret killed them) and put the kids to sleep. The next morning our amazing mantinance people came and when they saw all of the dead ants ( I left them there all night because I knew they would never belive the severity of what happened the night previous without seeing the carnage) they IMMEDIATELY called an exterminator. They arrived within 20 minutes and thus far I haven't seen another ant. Knock on wood. So needless to say - I do not really like carpenter ants very much.

PS I found out that ant hotels don't really work with carpenter ants. It can actually make the problem worse ( like in our case).


James and Laura Neibaur said...

We've had that problem too--I started crying when nothing worked until the exterminator finally came took care of it. I actually enjoyed watching all of the ants suffer and die--morbid!

Meg said...

AHHHH!!! That is so incredibly freaky! You are so brave!

Swaner Family said...

Yuck! I can understand the annoyance of ants. California is like a giant ant hill! I can't believe you had that many though! So gross.

keri said...

So very sorry. And, yah! Bret for taking care of the problem.

Tiffany said...

Oh my gosh! I would have freaked out! I was bitten as a kid by ants like that so my fear of big ants is pretty good. I don't think I would have been able to have stayed there that night! Holy Crap!!

Cheryl said...

Yuck! Freaky! I'm so glad you got the problem taken care of--and I hope it NEVER returns!