Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday Coulson

Monday, my little boy turned 3. I can't believe 3 years have already flown by. It seems like it has gone so fast and yet I have a hard time remembering a time in my life when Coulson was not a part of it. He is the best thing that ever could have happened to me - he made me a mom. As a woman you could never image loving anyone more than your husband until they put that little bundle into your arms and you truly feel love like you have never know. These last 3 years have been the best and most challenging. But what an adventure it has been. Never before I have met someone who makes me literally want to scream and rip my hair out, and the next has done the sweetest thing you can think of. My sweetest challenge.Coulson LOVES life. He is constantly trying to make everyone laugh. He is sweet, thoughtful and loves to be around people. His little imagination is amazing. Watching him grow up has been such a joy. He is also very active and very curious. He just loves to figure things out, take things apart, and pushing everything to the limit. Everyone is an instant friend in his book and he calls everyone little buddy.
He likes Transformers, playing outside, wrestling with Dad, playing with Aly, swimming, chicken nuggets, laughing, making everything a game (including our attempts to discipline him), playing with friends, dinosaurs, He-Man, snuggling with Mom, running, singing and the list truly goes on. He lives life out loud.
His dislikes include sitting still, being sent to his room, when Aly cries (or anybody for that matter, he tries to make them feel better), and potty training.

Bret and I love this little boy so much. We are so thankful that the Lord sent him to our home and because of that we have become better people.


keri said...

I look forward to what this year will bring us courtesy of Cole. Happy Birthday Cole!

Alice said...

It is crazy to think that he is 3. I hope this coming year brings many more wonderful moments.

Belkycita said...

Happy Birthday Little Prince!!

Can't wait to see all of the new adventures that are to come with the big 3!
Should I tell your parents of some of the things that might happen? Nah! let's you and I have fun ;-)