Friday, May 7, 2010

Sugar Sugar - Yum

This morning for breakfast my son decided that he needed sugar on his cereal. I thought he was playing pretend because I knew the sugar was put away is a "Cole Safe" place. So I continued to nurse Aly on the couch and listen to him talk and eat. Then he stated that he needed "just a little bit more". I started to get suspicous especially when I saw his little arm shake like he was actually putting something on his cereal. So I got up to check it out. My sweet son had put "sugar" on his cereal except it wasn't sugar - it was garlic powder. My new bottle of garlic powder sat on the table next to him now half empty. Yum!


Anonymous said...

AHAHA!!! That made my day!

Jared and Jennifer said...

made me smile...did he end up eating his "sugary cereal"?

keri said...

Gross!!! But the picture is so cute.