Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Fun Outside

On a normal day I try to get Cole out at least once to expel of his abundance of energy. The other day I wasn't able to before Bret got home so we decided to go as a family and have a little outside fun and laughter before the weather turns cold. It turned out to be so much fun! Cole loves to play in the rocks outside the pool and throws them everywhere. He is developing quite a good arm.Thankfully he hasn't learned to really throw the rocks at anything in particular.
His very favorite victims when we go outside is all the bugs. He loves to chase them and try to catch them. Nothing seems to scare him at all. It is funny to watch him try to catch an ant or beetle. Most of the time they get away... sometimes they sadly don't.

After the fun of the rocks wears off he usually heads into the grass to play with mom and dad. Now the real fun begins.
I can't help but roll in the grass in stitches as we play tag, wrestle and anything else that comes to mind.
Man, I'm going to miss the warm weather and our daily romps outside. But for now we have made quite a few fun memories and I love the fact that my child loves being outside as much as his parents do!

1 comment:

Belkycita said...

he is so darn cute!!!