Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Socks, Beavers, and Vaseline

Boys will be boys. Whoever made that comment must have had just boys. It is amazing the funny things Cole does. Here are just a few from the past week -
We were all laying on mine and Bret's bed just playing and wresting when Bret decided to see what Cole would do if he put a pair of my huge fuzzy socks on him... the results - HYSTERICAL!!!! He loved it. He kept clapping his hands, rubbing his face, and biting the fuzzy socks. Then when we pulled out the camera he just got plain cheesy. We laughed so hard and the next morning he asked for us to put them back on him again. Silly boy.

Cole has also recently gone a HUGE chewing spree. The picture to the left is what he did to his crib. Yes, the boy became a beaver. It looks a lot worse in real life. He took quite a chunk out. He also started chewing on book corners (one returned to the library was missing several corners -:( and has taken to eating dirt clods off the bottom on our shoes. I tell him not too but sometimes I just don't catch him in time. So why is he doing this you ask? I can only think of two things - he is cutting more teeth and he is missing trace minerals in his body and has taken to finding them on his own. We are treating for both. Hopefully one will work and my crib will not be a casualty anymore.
So any mother knows that sometimes taking a shower isn't the easiest thing when they start to walk. You either get up before the kids wakes up (not an option in my book since he is waking up at 5:30am), wait for him to nap ( means you are in your pj's for half the day) or find a way to entertain them for that short time period. I usually put on a Baby Einstein showso that I am guaranteed at least 15 minutes before he starts wreaking havoc. Well, today that didn't work. I am in the shower - blind because I can't wear contacts right now, attempting to shave my legs, when suddenly Cole is in the bathroom playing peak-a-boo with me. Nothing big. But then he finds my bottle of Vaseline on the counter. He has inspector gadget arms and seems to be able to reach everything he shouldn't, I think it comes as a standard installation with all toddlers. Well, I am trying like mad to finish my shower before any damage is done when everything goes quite. Never a good thing. I jump out, Cole quickly hands me the bottle of Vaseline, with the lid on - no harm done. WRONG. I hear this sickly sticking noise as Cole runs off clapping his hands. I grab my glasses and look into the bottle where a 3 inch deep crater now resides. Groan. I run to grab Cole just in time for him to start playing patty cake with everything he can find. Of course he is having the time of his life with hands full of Vaseline. I can't really blame him. My bedspread got the worst of it (notice the tiny greasy hand prints in the picture) but we both got quite the laugh out of it in the end. I love my adventurous little boy!


Val said...

It sounds like you have your hands full. I know the shower trouble, I don't know what I would do without Dora sometimes. Also, guess what? On march 16th or shortly before or after we will too experience that boys will be boys. We are having a boy. Yikes! You'll have to tell me everything you know.

Ali said...

You have such a cute blog! I am so glad I found you here so I can keep up on the happenings in the Parrish household. How are you all doing?