Friday, November 14, 2008

Cabin Fever

This past weekend we had the wonderful vacation of going up to Bret's family's cabin near Kamas, UT. Bret took Friday and Monday so on Friday we headed up, first starting the day off with a yummy breakfast at Denny's and then played in Park City for an hour before headed to the actual cabin. It was so beautiful up there! The cabin is one of my favorite places to be. It just seems that the world melts away and everything is peaceful. Saturday we spent in Park City where after some fun shopping at the outlets, Whole Foods ( I love that place) and the World Market (another fav) we met up with Mat and Brook and their family for some lunch at the RedRock Cafe. Mat and Brook where unable to come to the cabin because of sick kids. At lunch I got a Portobello sandwhich with pesto sauce and it was sure yummy! We the said goodbyes and headed back to the cabin for a night of movies, games and laughter. On Sunday the clan headed to church without me. Cole had gotten some sour milk (we had bought it the day before, who knew milk could go sour in one day?!?!?) so he was up with me from 1am till about 4:30am in which I then developed a wicked migraine and ended up staying home. It was a pretty relaxing day and after some pretty strong drugs (4 advil, which anyone knows I don't ever take more than 1 for anything) I finally kicked my migraine. (thanks to our in house pharmacy tech Sean - you are the best). We also taught Cole how to play air hockey and it was a hoot to watch him take on me and Grams. On Monday we woke up to lots of snow and couldn't pass up the opportunity to bundle Cole up and take him sledding. Sean and Emily came with us and we headed out in the cold weather. It was a blast. Cole loved playing in the snow and sledding and was going down a pretty steep slope with all the adults, of course he always rode with mom or dad. Also, during a previous snowball fight he got tagged(this person -Emily- shall remain anonymous) in the face and didn't even cry! After a little while we took him back to the cabin (he wasn't totally in agreement), chipped him out of his snowsuit, and turned him over to Grams. Bret and I then headed back out with Sean and Emily and played until we accidentally broke the sleds on a root(this also included hitting several trees, rocks and other solid objects with body parts). Bummer. But it was a blast! Monday night we packed up and left - too soon but Bret needed to get back to work the next day. What an awesome time!
This was right before we got nailed with the snowball flying toward us

1 comment:

keri said...

Love the pic of Cole playing Air Hockey.