Wednesday, November 26, 2008

So nice and So Clean

Yesterday we spent the day in SLC and Oakley, Utah for the funeral of Bret's amazing aunt Shari who finally gave up her battle to breast cancer. The funeral was so nice and full of so much laughter as we were told story after story of this wonderful lady we had the privileged to know. She will be missed by so many whose lives she touch.

After the funeral I picked Cole up from the nursery that the ward had provided for us and took him in to the ladies room to change a rancid diaper. I had just finished cleaning everything up when Cole disappeared. I figured he had followed a cousin and her daughters out the door (this in normal) and headed out to reclaim my son - to find he wasn't there. No one had seen him. I checked all the open rooms right next to the bathroom and couldn't find him. Trying not to panic I headed back into the bathroom and started quickly opening all the stalls and there he was - in the very last stall with the door closed. But, the story doesn't end there. My little boy had taken his blankie and had stuffed it into the toilet - all the way! When I asked him what he was doing he looked up at me with those big innocent blue eyes, pulled the only dry corner on his blanket out of the toilet, handed it to me and proudly proclaimed "Clean!".


Belkycita said...

Oh sweet little thing!!!
That is so cute.
p.s. Yucks, I would probably get rid of the blanket :-(

keri said...

That is very cute and very gross. I hope you sterilized the blanket as soon as possible.

Tasha said...

Yuck! But oh so cute especially because it was out of sheer helpfulness. Good luck getting the blanket clean!

Jared and Jennifer said...

Don't you hate it when your kids can manage to melt your heart and utterly gross you out at the exact same moment! Very cute story...very typical Coulson!!! Best of luck with sanitizing that blanket...hopefully it is not a favorite that will be missed terribly!

The Hanchetts said...

cute header!