Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Tender Moments

Art by Liz Lemon Swindle - Be It Unto Me

So every mom knows about having "one of those days" when nothing goes right, you get nothing accomplished, and your little angel of a child seems to have switch places with their evil twin. On days like these I sometimes find myself so frustrated that I wonder why I am a mom at all - and then the Lord sends what I call my tender moments to remind me why I love the child kicking and screaming at my feet more than anything in the world - Here are a few of my favorites from the past couple weeks:

1. I have been very sick with a severe sinus infection, bronchitis, and asthma attacks and not doing very well trying to still keep up with a very busy week of meetings, working out at 5am and chores. At one point I put a movie on for Cole so that I could sit and rest for awhile and accidentally dozed off. I awoke to Cole shaking me. He then looked at me with very worried eyes, handed me his favorite blankie, patted my knee and went back to the couch to finish his movie. I almost cried that he was so willing to give up the one thing that he loved the most in hopes that it would make his mom feel better.

2. The times when I put him to bed and 10 minutes later he calls out and I go in just to find out that all he wanted was just one more hug and kiss from mom before he lays down and goes to sleep.

3. My little boy is very, very active and is always on the go but, every once in a while he will ask for a movie, and then pull me over to the couch and snuggle up on my lap and just sit there with me. Sure, on these mornings we probably don't get dressed till 9, and the house doesn't get totally clean, but I wouldn't give up these moments for anything.

These are just a few but they are the reason I am a mom no matter how hard the day gets, there are always little moments from Cole to make it worth every moment.


The Hanchetts said...

Such a sweet boy! It's those moments that keep you going. I can't wait to see him at Christmas!

Tasha said...

They seem to know when Mommy needs that hug don't they. Adam did the same thing a few days ago. I was having a bad day and Travis was in Chicago, when I came home from class I sat down to watch TV because I needed a break, and sweet little Adam came and sat on my lap the whole time. It was so nice. Hope you're feeling better.