Coulson had his 15 month check up last week and here are his stats:
Weight: 24.10 lbs - 40%
Height: 32.25 inches - 80%
(This basically translates into long legs that need long pants, but a skinny waist that can't keep the pants up that he needs)
The doctor told us he was doing great and even a little ahead for his age. She even told me that he was already "good at being a two year old". This was after he threw a small temper tantrum to get out the door because he was done... I'm not quite sure how to take that :)
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
RS General Broadcast

Saturday night was the Relief Society General Broadcast and I have to say it was amazing! I drove over with a good friend at five for a wonderful dinner. The men served us ham, potatoes, rolls, salad and some kind of dessert (didn't really eat it - too much other good food). I had the wonderful opportunity to sit with three of my dear friends - Jenn, Ashely and Ashley. It was so much fun to sit and talk about everything - jobs, kids, having babies, lack of sleep, politics, and just enjoy their company. It is amazing how the Lord blesses us. For the first time in a good year or more I feel the blessing of friendship. Now, I'm not saying that I don't have friends - I have many friends, but none of them live even remotely close to me. Since we have moved to Utah I feel the closeness with other women that I have longed for since having Coulson. But that isn't all - I then got to sit and listen to three amazing women of the RS Presidency and Elder Uchtdorf and feel as if they were talking to me and only me. Like I was sitting directly at the foot of the Lord being taught. It was truly an amazing and fortifying night. I returned home feeling more at peace than I have for a while. Now my challenge is to keep that feeling and continually do stuff everyday that allows me that feeling. I hope that all of you sisters had the chance to listen to everything that was said and even if you did or didn't I challenge each of you to listen and read the talks many times because each was for us. We are each amazing and loved daughters of God.
Here is the link to the broadcast - Relief Society General Broadcast
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Under Construction

For the next week or so be warned that the face of my blog might change many times because I am trying to learn how to create my own backgrounds and so far I haven't had any luck. For any of you who know how tips would be nice. I know it is probably not hard it is just that everytime I actually get a moment to figure things out the baby wakes up or something else comes up. You know how life goes. Anyways, just have patience as my blog goes through multiple personality disorder. Thanks!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Happy Birthday, Bret!!!

Today is the birthday of my best friend and hubba hubby! Because of this I get to gush about how amazing he is without any complaining... (mwuahaha * evil laugh*)
Bret is such an unbelievable person. He is caring, talented and creative beyond belief, hardworking, and a great husband. More than once he has gotten up early and done little things around the house to help me out, or when he comes home he will take over for the night with cooking, clean up and the baby so that I can have a night to myself. He is so thoughtful.
But more than that he is a wonderful father to Cole. I wish everyone could be a fly on the wall for just one day to see the bond and friendship that Cole and Bret have as father/son, and double trouble duo. Each day Cole anxiously awaits the arrival of Bret and as soon as he sees that Jimmy pull in he yells "Daddy" and is off to the door before I know what happened. When Bret walks in he gives Cole a huge hug and the games are on. Tickling, throwing him in the air, hide and seek, sneaking up on mom, wrestling... I could go on forever. It is so fun to watch.
I really couldn't be more blessed than the day this man came into my life and made me happier than I ever thought was possible. His family
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Adventures in Wonderland

One of THOSE days!
It started off with a "friendly" wake up call from our neighbors motorcycle right outside our open windows. That is a pretty loud noise - especially when you are dead asleep at 7:30. Once I settled Cole down and kissed my sweet hubby good bye we ate breakfast and I started on my personal "Mt Everest" of laundry that seems to build and then explode once a week. As I'm getting on my very last batch (Cole's clothes) my house starts to smell awful and somewhat smokey. Yes, you can guess it. Not only did my dryer go out but so did my washer! It is a conspiracy I'm telling you. Since I couldn't find my cell phone anywhere I instant messaged my husband to find out what I needed to do so that the whole house didn't burn down with the laundry room. When he got home for lunch we headed out to a used appliance store downtown. Well, it just happened to be there one day off - go figure, it was Wednesday! So we headed home. The day continued until Bret got home and requested the VCR remote. Missing in Action. We looked for an hour (turning my newly cleaned apartment upside down) before we concluded that our sweet adorable son had most likley thrown it away but since remotes aren't light, like shoes, clothes, books and toys I didn't notice. Sigh. RIP remote. So we decided to take the dripping wet clothes (they weighed like 50lbs no joke) to the laundry mat at the apartment. I only had $1.50 worth of quarters and really wasn't up to driving 10 minutes just to access a bank, pull out $20 just so that I could get $0.50 more. So I did the horrible thing and broke into Cole's dino bank. I justified it because they were his clothes anyways - horrible I know. Well the first washer (we split the clothes into two so they would have a chance to actually dry) ate all our quarters but refused to dry our clothes (greedy greedy). SO, into one dryer all the clothes went. At 9:30 my sweet husband headed down to bring the dry clothes up. WRONG. Nothing was dry and they ended up spending the night on my kitchen floor on a beach towel so they would dry enough for round two the next day. NEXT DAY: I go to take the clothes to our apartment laundry and the power goes out of all things. So we waited until Bret got home and we headed to the local laundry mat where they rip you off by charging $0.25 FOR FIVE MINUTES!!! Do I look like I'm made of quarters??? Anyways - all is well. They got dried for less than $10 and we will soon have a new washer and dryer. Did I mention we also discovered that our tires are falling apart...
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Pizza and Oreos

So the other night we order pizza in for FHE. Papa John's Spinach Chicken Alfredo Tomato - yummy. We cut a slice up for Cole but left a good chunk on the crust so that Cole could have his options. Of course being the "independent child" that he thinks he is, he immediately went for the uncut crust and just had a hay day eating it. Pretty cute to watch him learn to use his new teeth. After he had dimolished the entire slice of pizza I gave him an oreo cookie (the blondie kind). Well it was so adorable to watch him pull the two sides apart, eat all the frosting off, and then eat the rest of the cookie! I have no idea where he learned it but it was pretty cute to watch! He was so proud of himself at the end of the entire meal. What a cutie!
On a side note- sorry I don't have any new pic. We left our camera in Twin Falls and won't get it back till Monday!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Daddy, daddy... HEY BET!!!

So as many of you know we spent two weekends in a row in Twin Falls, Idaho with Bret's family. For both weekends the entire family was there which is a total of 10 people at once. Well with that many people and kids Cole quickly got frustrated with the fact that when he called out "daddy" either 3 dad's looked or no one looked. He kept trying and most of the time he caught Bret's attention. Well, again with that many people it gets loud and with Cole being sick many times I was downstairs with the baby and Bret upstairs with everyone and I would call out "Bret" for help after I had been thrown up on (again) and finally I would have to yell "Hey, Bret" so he could hear me. This pretty much happened the entire weekend. Then everyone else of course called Bret by his first name. Well when we finally got home on Tuesday I just about died laughing when I heard this...
Cole:"Daddy. Daddy. (Bret was tired and slightly zoned)
Dada. Hey, Bet!"
He had learned that Bret would for sure respond to his own name. So now we are trying to break him of the habit. So far nothing has worked and Cole continues to call his father by his first name, much to the horror of Bret and the stifled laughter from me. I'm sure with time it will wear off and he will start calling him daddy all the time again. Have I ever told you how much my son makes me laugh. We love this kid to death!
Friday, September 5, 2008
Twin Falls County Fair - YEEHAW
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Now the thing you have to have understand is that I don't buy movies so it says a lot that I want this one - and the soundtrack.
Anyways, Bret had originally taken Tuesday off for us to go play in SLC but we ended up home with Cole. Still worth it. So there you have it. Fun, but exhausting, weekend.
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