Tuesday, September 30, 2008

15 month check - 1 month late

Coulson had his 15 month check up last week and here are his stats:

Weight: 24.10 lbs - 40%
Height: 32.25 inches - 80%
(This basically translates into long legs that need long pants, but a skinny waist that can't keep the pants up that he needs)

The doctor told us he was doing great and even a little ahead for his age. She even told me that he was already "good at being a two year old". This was after he threw a small temper tantrum to get out the door because he was done... I'm not quite sure how to take that :)


Anonymous said...

Wow!! He is getting soo big!! I can't believe it. Well the stats on Elaena are she is 38 in. and 28 lbs. (she can't break 30 even on a full tummy!) What I have noticed with her is that she needs long pants and skinny waist jeans... so I have found that Old Navy and Childrens place and Carters have the adjustable waist that works wonders!! I just got her a pair of Sketchers (on sale at costco for $6!!!) that had the adjustable waist, size 4!! Length was a about an inch too long but the waist is in 8 notches on each side hehe... but needless to say she needed the bigger size for her length! Oh and overalls are great too!! Hope all is well!

keri said...

No one is surprised to hear Cole is "good at being a two year old." He had that part mastered before his second month. It has just been perfected has he has become more mobile.

Andrew said...


I'll give you a moment to let you get over the shock of seeing me post a comment to your blog.....

...OK. Noah and Micah have the same long legs, skinny waist problem. When we were out looking for houses a few weeks ago, they were off down a small path playing while we chatted with our agent, and I glanced over to check on them and found Micah hobbling towards me with his pants hanging at his ankles! Poor little guy was doing his best to get my attention so I could help him hike his pants back up!

Try folding the waist down one or two times. If he's not wearing a onesy, his shirt will cover the folded waist and he won't look TOO silly. ;o)

Love ya.