Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Under Construction

For the next week or so be warned that the face of my blog might change many times because I am trying to learn how to create my own backgrounds and so far I haven't had any luck. For any of you who know how tips would be nice. I know it is probably not hard it is just that everytime I actually get a moment to figure things out the baby wakes up or something else comes up. You know how life goes. Anyways, just have patience as my blog goes through multiple personality disorder. Thanks!


The Hanchetts said...

Your family picture is SO adorable! You have such a good looking family! I can't wait ot see you guys at Christmas and Lyle is So excited to have Bret there and breack up the girly time he usually has to deal with. Love you!

Belkycita said...

Love love love! the picture.

The Hanchetts said...

I like the background. How are you making your own?

Kara said...

Cute blog Erin! Your family is so beautiful, I love the pic at the top!

keri said...

I'm sure the personality disorder you blog is suffering from is due to owner-operator issues. Please don't blame the poor, innocent blog.

Jess & Jessica said...

go to www.thecutestblogontheblock.com and they will walk you through creating your own background. They also have tons of already created backgrounds that are way cool and the best part is it is so easy to do plus you won't lose any widgets. I have a link to the website on the top left hand corner of my blog page just incase the address above is wrong.