Thursday, September 18, 2008

Adventures in Wonderland

One of my good friends in our ward, Ashley, and I have been trying to be active mom's and going out once or twice a week with the kids. On Tuesday we drove to a local park and let the kids play. Then for today we decided to bike to our local nature center. Cole and I got a late start for the morning after finding and playing with a leaf bug. They are pretty cool. Bret helped me catch it since it had taken up residence on Bret's bike. Not a good match. We then quickly got dressed and ate breakfast. At 9:40 I headed out the door with Cole secured into the bike trailer and biked to Ashley's house. Upon arrival she opened the door and started to laugh. They too were running behind and she was still in her pj's. We got everything taken care of and at 10:30 headed for the nature park. This is about a 3-4 mile bike ride - nothing big. Well on the way Daviny (one of Ashley two little girls) needs to go to the bathroom. So we pull over at a local business for her to do so - strike one. It was a government building and required a key card to even enter. So we kindly told her that she would have to hold it, we were almost there. 5 minutes later I realize that Ashley has sprung a flat on her bike trailer. A pretty bad one. We needed something like bike slime. Stopped at the gas station, no luck. Then we biked by this Country Store. I knew we were probably going to strike out again but had to try. No luck. But the sweet store owner offered to drive me and the trailer to the local bike store for slime and air. How amazing. When I asked him why he would do that all he replied was "I hope that someone would do the same for my wife". What a great guy! Off to the store we headed where nice guy number two enters the scene. They fixed the tire for free! I headed back to the store where I had left Ashley with all three kids(amazinly she had survived watching a 2 year old, a 16month old Cole, and her youngest daughter at 9 months.)We finally arrived at the nature center, had a snack which we faked as lunch for the kids since it was now 12:15 and walked to see the birds. We arrived just in time to see some wild turkey, and a keeper feed a pelican. Totally worth the $3 I paid. We then walked to the tadpole pool and the mom's decided they were tired and ready to go home. When we arrived back at the bikes we discovered that Ashley's "fixed" tire had exploded. We called Bret and he arrived (My knight in shining armor) taking Ashley and her two kids, Cole, her bike and both trailers home. Since that was all the room left I biked home alone and arrived home just as Bret was pulling in. Talk about adventures! I wonder what next week will hold for our outings!


Jared and Jennifer said...

WOW! Sounds like you're having quite the week and it isn't even Saturday yet! I sure hope you have a fun date planned...or at least a walk out and about without a tag-along! Hope next week looks up. Love Ya and Miss You!

Shaun and Emily said...

Oh my! I can't believe your week! We have had a crazy one too, but nothing compared to your appliance disaster and biking trip! Hope to see you at the library this week.